Thursday, April 30, 2009

The majesty of the law

We got a couple "Claim forms" at our house the other day, related to some lawsuit against Apple by aggrieved owners of the first-generation iPod nano. Our girls are apparently among the wronged throng, and have an opportunity to salve the pain and suffering that may or may not have been caused by disfigurement of the tragically-too-easily-scratched case of said nano. (By the way, does Apple get to trademark an ordinary lower-case word -- "nano" (ok, not so ordinary, and strictly speaking a prefix, but still...)?)

Why do such lawsuits bug me? Is it that class-action lawshops are the lampreys of the legal world, which somehow have slimed into our economic ecosystem to suck nourishment from vital corporations?

Or am I just jealous? There are nefarious but perfectly legal ways to make piles of money for the clever and audacious. The law sets the rules of the game, but it is a game, so playing by the rules should be all the morality anyone needs...

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